A successful community makes connections

If you want to start a successful community on the internet, you have to be able to provide value to its members.

Without value, success just cannot happen.

This is even more important if you decide you want to charge money to be a part of the community.

But it also matters with free communities, too.

You’ll notice cancellations, a drop-in activity, and very little engagement if the community lack value.

So, how do you add value to a community? By offering connections!

A connection is when two members of a community are introduced to one another in an effort to be networked because of common interests, pain points, locations, or other characteristics that would employ a connection.

You, as the Community Manager, must facilitate such connections.

Don’t expect members to do your job for you.

Keep track of new members and their characteristics and use that intelligence to connect other members with them when applicable and when appropriate.

Do this routinely and you’ll have a very active and loyal membership on your community.