The best way to be seen as an expert in your niche is to be the go-to person for answering any question related to the niche.
This sounds easy enough, right?
The problem with this though is that people can get easily overwhelmed by answering the same question over and over again. Some people cannot handle it altogether. Sometimes people get rude and hateful over it.
Here’s the thing though. No one is searching for the question. Instead, they’re going to you to ask because they see you as the expert that will help them with anything they need.
And that’s really the way it should be.
If you truly want to be an expert in your niche, then you need to used to answering the same question over and over again.
Instead of crying about doing it, make it something you love to do because you know you’re helping someone who might eventually become a paid customer in some capacity at some point.
You can even create a good answer and copy/paste it if applicable. There is nothing wrong with making answering the same question an easier task.
You just want to make sure you remain positive about answering these same repeated questions because people will notice it if you’re short or negative with them.