Money doesn’t always makes the job…

Money doesn’t always makes the job…

Money doesn’t always make the job… Last year, I left a job. I put my two weeks in and quit without any job lined up. Luckily, I had a quick opportunity that turned out to be the career of my dreams. I took about a $10K pay cut but I love everything about my new...
Have a healthy escape

Have a healthy escape

Have a healthy escape Opening a beer, hitting a vape, or smoking a joint isn’t a healthy escape from the pits of reality. Those are known as vices. If you want a healthy escape which will do amazing things for you, consider the outdoors as your escape. Hiking…...
Staying on schedule

Staying on schedule

Staying on schedule When you stay of schedule, everything gets easier. Productivity increases when we stay on schedule. I worked for a cable manufacturing plant once that had horrible production results each month. The reason was the schedule would be changed so much...
Daily Blogging doesn’t have to be Overwhelming.

Daily Blogging doesn’t have to be Overwhelming.

Daily Blogging doesn’t have to be Overwhelming. I’ve turned this blog into a daily blog. I post once a day. I’ve adopted the Seth Godin strategy to make it easier. Seth posts once a day. But he doesn’t need to post extremely long posts each day. Some of his posts are...
Trying out Pinterest

Trying out Pinterest

Trying out Pinterest ​ I always assumed Pinterest was best for food bloggers. However, here lately, I’ve seen a lot of travel bloggers gain a lot of success with Pinterest. So, I’ve decided to give Pinterest a shot. I’m trying a one pin per day strategy. I’ll be...
Outdoor Growth

Outdoor Growth

Outdoor Growth I’ll be launching a community soon called Outdoor Growth. It’s a community geared towards outdoor recreation lovers like me who want to expand into the content creator realms. Maybe you want to create an outdoor blog or become a freelance writer. Maybe...