Coffee is My Vice

Coffee is My Vice

I’m not really addicted to anything… Except for maybe coffee! I don’t drink a lot of it every day. But I do drink it every day until I have a stomach bug and then it makes me a little sick. When I am sick and not drinking coffee, I miss it dearly and...
Moving Blogs Around

Moving Blogs Around

So, my Shawn Gossman blog is where post articles about blogging tips. I have Serious Bloggers which is a landing page for my newsletter about blogging tips and a future homepage of a paid online community I’m working on for bloggers. And I have this blog which I...
Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away

I usually LOVE rain. It makes waterfalls and I like chasing waterfalls. I do NOT stick to the rivers and lakes like I’m used to. But today, I want to ride my bike. I don’t care to ride on a wet bike path. I have a gravel bike and it can make it. But with...
July 4th Bike Ride

July 4th Bike Ride

Today marks our (Me and my future wife) annual July 4th Bike Ride. Only I had to work July 4th so we did it today, July 6th. We did 23 miles! It was in the 80s, comfortable, and a little windy to cool us down a bit. The trail has rolling hills and we got a bit over...
Another Admin Forum

Another Admin Forum

Long, long, long time ago (circa 2012-13ish), I ran a message forum called Another Admin Forum. It was a big forum before I closed it down. I closed it because I got really poor. I didn’t tell anyone about me being poor, either. There were nights I thought I was...
I’m Getting Married…

I’m Getting Married…

I’ve been with Michelle, my girlfriend, for around 6 years now. We met because she was a fan of my Hiking with Shawn brand. Hiking has definitely changed my life for the better. Before her, I had given up on having any sort of relationship. Before hiking, I...