Friends of the Tunnel Hill State Trail

Friends of the Tunnel Hill State Trail

I’ve told my story many many many times. Tunnel Hill State Trail… It’s where I first rode a bicycle as an adult. I rode the bike in an attempt to lose weight and promote better health. What I didn’t know then was that I would fall desperately...
Bought me a Gravel Bike

Bought me a Gravel Bike

I started cycling as an adult 12 years ago. I got into it as a way to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. However, after my first-time riding (after not riding since I was a kid), I fell deeply in love with cycling. Throughout the years, I eventually found...
My Worst Sunburn

My Worst Sunburn

Pictured above is me from this weekend kayaking at Glen O Jones Lake. I put way too much sunblock on. You don’t even have to zoom in to tell! LOL! But the worst sunburn I’ve ever had was earlier in the summer. It was my first kayak trip of the season. I...
10+ Miles

10+ Miles

How to wear yourself out and sleep good? Do a 6.6 mile group hike. Go eat. Then do a 4 mile hike. 10+ miles of hiking in one day. I’m sore now. I’ll be sore tomorrow. Might try to bike or kayak tomorrow or maybe both because why not! Outdoor life, folks,...
I Quit

I Quit

About 4 or 5 months ago, I did something new. After 13 years, I quit my job. I didn’t have another job lined up. I didn’t even have a plan. I just got sick of the politics and the stress of being the one who got all the stuff everyone else was too lazy to...
Daily Blogging

Daily Blogging

I’ve created this blog to be my very personal blog. I’ll be posting daily on this blog. But I have no real plans to promote the blog. I’ll let people find it organically. I’ve posted daily last year on two blogs for 110 days straight. This...