Be careful what you post.

I posted something I thought I saw this weekend. It got back to the people I thought I saw do something. They denied it and tried to make me out to be a liar. I didn’t lie, but maybe I didn’t see what I thought I saw the way I saw it.

Nonetheless, me and those people are definitely not friends. Although, I wasn’t a big fan of them before that from another incident.

It resulted in me blocking them from my personal pages as well as my brand pages because I didn’t want to deal with their judgmental attitudes. I’ve even asked them to leave me alone if they see me in public.

I do wish I hadn’t posted the message at all, though.

It was controversial, and it resulted in a stupid argument that really shouldn’t have occurred in the first place.

Lessons learned.

My advice to you: Think about what could happen before you post something that is controversial and could be held against you, your personal brand, or your business.