Trolls are everywhere on the internet.

They’re on social media. They’re on forums and chat. They’re in your blog comments. They’re in your contact forms. They’re even in your town.

Trolls are among us and their purpose in life is to disrupt and cause a scene. They feed off reactions, anger, threats, and most of all, they thrive from drama within a community or around a specific individual.

Don’t feed them.

If you can block them, then block them. But make sure you ignore them and don’t respond to them. If you do respond, they win. You end up looking bad. And they have created public drama that could haunt you or keep you upset.

Being upset is a ticket to an early death. Stress kills. These trolls are trying to kill you.

Ignore them and take away their ability to have a voice in your domain.

It’s at that point when you have full control of the situation.