How to be good at social media…

Quit looking at it like a promotional board!

That’s the answer. The short but sweet answer.

The long answer? Well, longish?

Don’t join social media and expect to get a lot of website traffic by promoting your blog posts and other site links.

The algorithms are created to defeat that. Promotional content will get way less views than native content that keeps people on the platform.

Social media is full of ads. Those ads make them money when clicked. People have to be on the platform for those ads to be clicked. If they follow a link off the platform, then social media doesn’t get paid. They have a business to run just like you.

So, what’s the use of social media then?

Not to promote your website!

The best thing to use social media for is to promote YOU or YOUR BRAND.

Post a bunch of native content on the platform every single day. Use scheduling features to make that easier. Then start engaging with others even more. Reply to every comment while you still can. Because after you do this for a while, your social media is going to significantly grow.

Throw your link on your bio and just focus on building a community.

They’ll get to know you OR your brand and they will find your website in the process.

That’s what social media is good for!