Learn Something New Every Day

You should learn something new every day.

If you truly want to become an expert at something, you need to be able to commit to learning about it. You should do every day, too. You should always learn something new and be willing to be a lifelong learner because our niches are always changing. If you’re not up on the up and up with your niche, you’ll lose your expertise.

Experts can answer a question when given one.

If you can’t answer it, it’s fine. Be truthful and explain that you’re going to learn everything there is about the answer and visit back when you can answer it. That really shows your audience that like them, you’re not perfect, you’re a human, too.

Learn something new every day about your niche.

Setup Google Alerts for keywords related to it. Read blog posts of bloggers in the niche. Join forums and chat servers and ask questions about the niche. Read books and eBooks. Socialize with experts and influencers. Subscribe to feeds and news of industry experts and know what new developments come out. Answer your own questions about the niche by researching for them.

The more you learn, the more of an expert you will be.