Why Have a Newsletter?

A newsletter is good to have for many reasons.

  1. It’s a direct line of contact between you and your followers, subscribers, and customers.
  2. Social media algorithms can’t get in between you and your newsletter subscribers.
  3. Google’s search engine ranking can’t touch your newsletter, either.
  4. It’s a great way to convert subscribers into customers.

I recommend all bloggers start a newsletter.

If you don’t want to start a blog, you should at least start a newsletter.

Convert Kit offers a free plan with up to 10,000 subscribers. You can’t beat that.

Start a newsletter about something you’re extremely passionate about.

Send it weekly once you start building an audience.

Make a landing page for your newsletter and add it to your social media bio pages.

Engage and interact with subscribers. Keep them informed with the best content. Strive to make each issue better than the last. Strive to be the best newsletter in your industry.

Reply to this blog with your newsletter link and tell me what it’s about.